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Exhaustion of Local Remedies in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Re-examining the requirement for foreign investors to exhaust local remedies before bringing investor-state claims.
MLATs and the Trusted Nation Club: The Proper Cost of Membership
Looking at a new generation of MLATs and MLAT substitutes.
The Yukos Award and the Debate over the New York Convention
As the Obama Administration defends the Trans-Pacific Partnership (“TPP”)…international arbitration has increasingly come under public scrutiny.
Indian Executive’s Pro-Arbitration Power Move Sanctioned By Parliament: Transnational Ideals Versus National Reality
On October 23, 2015, the President of India Pranab Mukherjee, with input from Prime Minister Modi, signed into law a new Arbitration Ordinance.
Rethinking the International Refugee Regime
T. Alexander Aleinikoff rethinks the international refugee law.
From the Aztecs to the Kalahari Bushmen: Conservative Justices’ Citation of Foreign Sources: Consistency, Inconsistency, or Evolution?
On April 28, 2015, there were few surprises at the Supreme Court.