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Symposium: Brexit and the Law
“Breaking up is Hard to Do,” the song goes, and for graphic proof, we need look no further than the United Kingdom’s June 23, 2016 referendum to leave
Is the Trump Administration Bound by the Iran Deal?
Examines the Iran Deal, and whether the Trump Administration could and should withdraw from it.
Investment Arbitration: A Poor Forum for the International Fight Against Corruption
An examination of whether investment tribunals are suited to hearing allegations of corruption.
Call for Modified Transparency in the Korea-Lone Star Funds Arbitration
In June 2016, the final oral argument for the investment dispute between South Korea (Korea) and Lone Star Funds (LSF) took place.
The Uncertain Future of the European Investment Court System
Developments concerning the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and their impacts on the European Investment Court System.
International Law and the Lame-Duck Congress
As the Republican-controlled 114th Congress reconvenes for its lame-duck session, expectations for the session’s productivity are low.
Hacking the Election
How can the US respond to allegations that the Russian Government was behind the cyberattack on the Democratic National Committee?
Outsourcing Refoulement: The United States and the Central American Refugee Crisis
This piece addresses the implications of state efforts to displace legal obligations by outsourcing their refugee problems to other states.
“Uniting for Peace” in the Age of International Justice
This article examines the relevance of UfP in a new post-Cold War era.