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The Fog of Peace: Who Profits from Economic Sanctions?
Sustaining the myth of the dichotomy between the domains of war and peace exacerbates the vulnerability of certain states.
Successful Failures: Economic Sanctions, Humanitarianism, and the Undoing of Post-Colonial Sovereignty
The successful failure of the humanitarian critique of economic sanctions as it relates to humanitarian relief provided to Afghans.
Economic Sanctions and Humanitarian Principles: Lessons from International Humanitarian Law
Sanctions often serve as a means of waging economic warfare in an era of intensified geopolitical tension.
Situating Unilateral Coercive Measures Within a Broader Understanding of Systemic Violence
Unilateral coercive measures may often create or worsen a protracted crisis and can prove ineffective, inhibiting aid and magnifying harm.
Sanctions’ New Colonizers
In the current moment of U.S. financial imperialism and economic sanctions, a host of “new” colonizers have emerged, empowering private parties.
The Opacity of Economic Coercion
How U.S. financial sanctions are both enabled by and exacerbate the unequal integration of the post-colonial world economy.
Unilateral Coercive Measures: Effects and Legality Issues
Discusses the classification of unilateral coercive measures, identifies their consequences, and highlights their violations of international law.
Symposium: Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) & Economic Sanctions
Yale Journal of International Law, in collaboration with the LPE Project, presents this 2023 Symposium.
Economic Sanctions: Where Law and Political Economy Meets Third World Approaches to International Law
Economic sanctions, touted as a peaceful alternative to war, have long been controversial in international law and international relations.
Symposium Workshop: TWAIL & Economic Sanctions
This post introduces the Symposium Workshop: TWAIL & Economic Sanctions